Peace Palace

Further information

Netherlands America Foundation (NAF)
The Carnegie Foundation is a member of the Netherlands America Foundation (NAF). The NAF has established a legal structure to facilitate tax-efficient cooperation in fundraising with Dutch institutions. The Friends Fun Program of the NAF gives U.S. donors the advantage of a U.S. income and gift tax deduction for their gifts. The NAF is a 501(c) 3 not for profit organization.

Transnational Giving Europe (TGE)
The Carnegie Foundation is part of the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network, which allows donors from another European country to give across borders and with tax advantages.

Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI)
The Carnegie Foundation has been exempted from paying any taxes over donations and inheritances in the Netherlands, because of its special “ANBI status”.

Fiscal reference number:

Board members:
Mr. J.P.H. Donner (chairman), Mr. D.C. van Wassenaer (treasurer), Dr. E.M. Wesseling-van Gent, Drs. L.W.L. de Bruijn, Dr. M. Steenhuis, Mr. H.H. Siblesz

Remuneration policy:
In accordance with Dutch ARAR/BBRA standards.

Anbi Activities:
Click here for the annual report 2019 and the ANBI activities of the Carnegie Foundation.

Please contact us for more information about the opportunities to support the Peace Palace:

Carnegie Foundation
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
+31 70 302 42 42