
Restoration of the Entrance gates made possible by Germany


On the 23rd of March 2010 a small ceremony was organized where the Ambassador of Germany mr. dr. T. Läufer and the chairman of the Carnegie Foundation mr. dr. B. Bot were present.

During the Second Peace Conference of 1907 it was decided that every participating country donated an artwork or work of craftsmanship to the Peace Palace.

The Government of Germany decided to donate a wrought iron entrance gate of a very fine quality designed by the architect Bruno Möhring and manufactured by the firm Schulz und Holdefleiss of Berlin. These entrance gates consist of four wrought iron fences which are beautifully decorated with wrought iron decorative elements and bronze medallions adorned with personifications of Amicitia, Concordia, Pax and Justitia. The gates are hung between large Oberkirchner sandstone columns crowned by putti.

After fifty years the gates were terribly damaged by corrosion caused by the wet Dutch climate. A large restoration project was therefore financed by the German Government in 1971.

At the beginning of the 21st century the gates were once again corroded from within and in desperate need of restoration. After a generous donation of Germany in 2008 a restoration project could be initiated and this project was completed successfully at the end of 2009. On the 23rd of March 2010 a small ceremony was organized for this occasion where the Ambassador of Germany mr. dr. T. Läufer and the chairman of the Carnegie Foundation

mr. dr. B. Bot were present.

bot en laufer
