Peace Palace

Nora Stehouwer-van Iersel

We proudly present our Friend of the Month: Nora Stehouwer-van Iersel!

Nora is from the Netherlands and has studied International Law at Leiden University. She has worked for the Dutch Ministry of Justice, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (legal service) and later in her career, Nora joined the diplomatic service. She was also the Ambassador for the International Organizations in the Netherlands and has worked together with the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Carnegie Foundation.

“The promotion of peace through justice is done by the Courts, Tribunals and the Peace Palace in The Hague, but can also be done on an individual level in your daily life. It starts there! I became Friend of the Peace Palace because I think the institute deserves support and it is important that we all multiply our common efforts for peace and justice.”