Peace Palace

Niels van Tol

We proudly present our Friend of the Month: Niels van Tol!

Niels is from the Netherlands and currently works as a Law Faculty Liaison at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He works on connecting the University Library and the Erasmus Faculty of Law, so that the education and research services provided are used efficiently and adapted to the needs.

Niels has a long history with the Peace Palace: He worked at the Peace Palace Library for 16 years and still visits the palace from time to time. According to him, the Peace Palace is a visible symbol of peace because it is the place where the ICJ and PCA are located and where The Hague Academy of International Law organizes its annual summer courses. According to Niels van Tol, “The preservation of this Temple of Peace and the library is an important and worthy goal and that is why I support the Carnegie Foundation in its mission to preserve the Peace Palace.”