Peace Palace

Ingo Klaus Wamser

We proudly present a new friend of the Peace Palace: Mr. Ingo Klaus Wamser!

Ingo Klaus Wamser is principal of Rechtsanwalt Wamser, a law firm specialized in criminal and international criminal law at Passau, Germany, right at the border to Austria. In addition, he teaches international law and marine mining regulations.

The friendship started a long time ago when Mr. Wamser was a young graduate attending a conference in the Peace Palace, being impressed by the idea of a peaceful settlement of international conflicts and by the building itself. Since then he studied several times at the Peace Palace Library, where even one of his books is available! Moreover, he appreciates the silence of the garden for contemplation on his studies.

Mr. Wamser also works at the International Criminal Court or other international criminal tribunals so he is rather often in The Hague, but “a visit would not be complete without having been at least outside the Peace Palace”.

According to Ingo Klaus Wamser, being a Peace Palace Friend is “a good chance to contribute to the idea of ‘Law, not War’ to use a quote from Ben Ferencz and to ensure that the Peace Palace and it’s collection is preserved for future generations of lawyers to work there”.