
Official Opening Visitors Centre


The new visitors centre was opened on the 30th of May 2012 by former President of the ICJ, Dame Rosalyn Higgins.

The festive afternoon started by a word of welcome by Chairman of the Carnegie Foundation, Mr Bernard Bot. Dame Rosalyn Higgins adressed the guests and officially opened the visitors centre by switching on the exhibition in the visitors centre.


Please read Dame Rosalyn Higgins’ speech here

Read the speech of Mr Bernard Bot here

The new Visitors Centre

Outside the gates of the Peace Palace every day hundreds of tourists take a picture of the impressive façade. From now on it is possible to get acquainted with the compelling history of the Peace Palace and its current significance on the world’s stage.

The state-of-the-art building with striking titanium roof is designed by British architect Michael Wilford. In the exhibition area information about the Peace Palace and the institutions (The International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Hague Academy of International Law and the Peace Palace Library) are broad to the attention in an attractive way with several historical objects, images and and film.

More information Visitors Centre

Photos Visitors Centre

“Hier wordt geïnvesteerd in uw toekomst. Dit project is mede gefinancierd met steun van het Europese fonds voor regionale ontwikkeling van de Europese commissie”