On 7. April a Linden tree was donated by the Republic of Slovenia to the Carnegie Foundation.
During a special ceremony the linden tree was planted by H.E. Dr. Bernard Bot, chairman of the Carnegie Foundation, Dr. Jozef Rupreht chairman of the Stichting Herstel Perenboomlaan and H.E. Mr Leon Marc, Ambasador of the Republic of Slovenia. The event was well attended by the diplomatic corps and by Slovenian nationals and a national anthem of Slovenia was sang in the Hall of the Peace Palace.
This young linden tree is donated to the Carnegie Foundation on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Slovenia and the United Nations international year of forests 2011.
Slovenia decided to donate this particular tree the Tilia Platyphyllos because the the Linden tree or Lime tree is the national symbol of Slovenia. Village assemblies, councils and other gatherings were traditionally held around circular tables beneath such a tree. Trees and forests remain one of Slovenia’s main natural treasures. Forests cover 58.5% of the national territory, which makes Slovenia the third most forested country in Europe.
The tree is planted in the gardens of the Peace Palace, the ideal location, as the Ambassador of Slovenia said: “A place where Peace and Justice come together just as the founders of the Republic of Slovenia had in mind almost twenty years ago”.