
Day of Peace


The Hague as international city of peace and justice and second UN city of the world celebrated on the 21st of September the Day of Peace.

This year the Day of Peace was celebrated in the Peace Palace with a festive reception in the Great Hall where H.E. Judge Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor, Vice-President of the International Court of Justice addressed the attendees with a Message of Peace. Please read his speech here.

Mr. Bernard Bot, chairman of the Carnegie Foundation, welcomed everyone and also brought next year’s celebration of 100 years Peace Palace to the attention. Read his speech here.

Afterwards everyone gathered outside where hundreds of schoolchildren released white balloons in the air as a symbol of The UN Peace Day. This was the start of the yearly peace walk through the center of The Hague. With this walk the youngsters ask attention to the fate of children in war and conflict areas in the world.