Inspiration and Innovation in International Law and Politics
100 Years Nobel Peace Prize Tobias Asser
2011 marks the 100th anniversary of the receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize by the Dutch lawyer, Mr. Tobias Asser.
Tobias Asser was the first, and until now the only, Dutch citizen to be honoured with this prestigious prize. This achievement will be commemorated during a special conference to be held in the Peace Palace, The Hague on 9 December, 2011.
The aim of the conference is to reflect on Asser’s legal and political heritage and at the same time to address the lessons to be learned from Asser in dealing with contemporary global challenges.
09.00 – 09.30 Arrival/registration
09.30 – 10.00 Opening
Uri Rosenthal, Minister of Foreign Affairs (to be confirmed)
Jozias van Aartsen, Mayor of the Municipality of The Hague
10.00 – 10.30 Keynote address
Judge Peter Tomka, Vice-President of the International Court of Justice
10.30 – 10.45 Asser and the International Institutions in The Hague
10.45 – 11.00 Presentation T.M.C. Asser (1838 – 1913) Founder of The Hague Tradition, by Arthur Eyffinger
11.00 – 11.30 Break
11.30 – 12.30 Introduction to Asser’s Legal Heritage: developments and accomplishments 1911-2011
Joe Verhoeven, Secretary General, Institut de Droit International
Hans van Loon, Secretary General, The Hague Conference on Private International Law
Brooks Daly, Deputy Secretary General, Permanent Court of Arbitration
Steven van Hoogstraten, Director, Carnegie Foundation and Treasurer, The Hague Academy of
International Law
12.30 – 13.15 Lunch
13.15 – 14.15 Towards a Third Hague Peace Conference?
Chair: Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Legal Advisor to the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nico Schrijver, Professor of Public International Law, Grotius Centre for International Legal
Studies, Leiden University
Joris Voorhoeve, Lector Peace, Justice and Security, The Hague University of Applied Sciences and
Professor of International Organisations and Security, Leiden University
Dire Tladi, Counsellor Legal Affairs, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the UN
14.15 – 15.15 Cross-border Movements and the Challenges for Private International Law
Chair: Hans van Loon, Secretary General, Hague Conference on Private International Law
Alex Mills, Lecturer, Faculty of Laws, University College London
Aukje van Hoek, Professor of Private International Law, Amsterdam University
Peter Winship, James Cleo Thompson Sr. Trustee Professor of Law, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Frederike E.M.Stikkelbroeck, former Director International Centre of the Hague Conference
15.15 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 16.30 International Arbitration in the 21st Century
Chair: Hans van Houtte, President, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
Brooks Daly, Deputy Secretary General, Permanent Court of Arbitration
Albert-Jan van den Berg, Professor of Law, Erasmus University, Rotterdam and Partner, Hanotiau & van den Berg, Brussels
Filip De Ly,Professor of Private International Law and Comparative Law, Erasmus University
16.30 – 17.00 Concluding Remarks
17.00 – 18.00 Reception
Registration is required: Please register at
conferencemanager@asser.nl, subject line ‘100 years Asser’ mentioning full name and organisational affiliation. Participation is free of charge.