In honor of Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914) & Dr. Aletta Jacobs (1854-1929)
Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 from 17.00 hrs until 19.30 hrs
Great Hall of Justice, Peace Palace, The Hague
The Peace Palace Library is pleased to present the Commemoration Lecture ‘Organizing for Peace: Bertha von Suttner, Dr. Aletta Jacobs & the International Congress of Women at The Hague.
This Spring, we celebrated the centenary of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) in the Peace Palace. This organization arose from the International Congress of Women that took place in The Hague in 1915. Dr. Aletta Jacobs, a famous Dutch suffragist and the first medical doctor in The Netherlands, initiated this important international peace meeting for women a year into World War I as a way to publicly protest the war as well to develop resolutions on international arbitration and dispute settlement. A hundred years later, on April 25, 2015, Dr. Aletta Jacobs became the second woman in history to be honored with a bust in the main hall of the Peace Palace for her efforts and work for peace. The first woman to be honored with a bust was Austrian peace activist Bertha von Suttner during the Peace Palace centenary in 2013. Dr. Aletta Jacobs and Bertha von Suttner first met during the First Hague Peace Conference in 1899. This Commemoration Lecture will focus on their work, their life and legacy and the many women they inspired and who helped to make the International Congress of Women in 1915 a reality.
The program for the evening will be as follows:
17.00 Doors open / coffee & tea
17.30 Opening Remarks by Candice Alihusain LL.M, Coordinator of the Reading Room of the Peace Palace Library.
17.45 Remarks by Dr. Hope Elizabeth May, Professor of Philosophy, Central Michigan University, USA
18.15 Remarks by Dr. Mineke Bosch, Professor of Modern History, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
18.45 Remarks by Dr. Laurie Cohen, Professor of History, University of Innsbruck, Austria
19.15 Q & A
19.30 Drinks
To attend this lecture, registration as well as an admission fee of 5 Euro is required.
We kindly request you to register and pay the admissions fee by clicking here:
We wish to remind you that you are required to bring a valid ID (passport, driving license). Without and an ID, you will not be able to enter the Peace Palace premises.
For more information on this Library Lecture, please visit www.peacepalacelibrary.nl.
For more information on Bertha von Suttner, please visit www.berthavonsuttner.com.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could attend this event.
Jeroen Vervliet
Director of the Peace Palace Library