In the context of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and the WW1 Armistice (1918-2018) centenary, the Mundaneum (Belgium) and the Peace Palace (Netherlands) are celebrating together “The Architects of Peace”.
Peace is not a natural state. Peace is about a long and laborious construction process. All around Europe, through the years, different heritage sites tell the story of men and women who’ve worked towards designing peace and hence, contributing to what makes Europe today. A place with no war for the last seven decades and awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.
The Architects of peace also laid the foundation stones for our organizations, the Mundaneum and the Peace Palace, both “laboratories for peace”. The first, the Peace Palace in The Hague, striving for peace through international law. The second, the Mundaneum in Mons, through culture and knowledge. Both are European Heritage Label sites: visitors can find in both sites elements of what makes the European DNA (culture, values, identity).
The Mundaneum and the Peace Palace are getting prepared to share the stories of these “Architects of Peace” and highlight how they have influenced our organizations today. From now on, the Peace Palace and the Mundaneum are writing a new page of their common history and join their efforts together to promote Peace heritage at a European level! For more information on the Peace Palace, the Mundaneum and the “Architects of Peace”, click here.
The “Architects of Peace” exhibition will be in the Mundaneum in Mons from the 9th of November 2018 until the 24th of March 2019. Click here for more information. Several artifacts of the collection of the Peace Palace are featured in the exhibition.