As part of the programme “Eurovision – Europe Shine A Light”, the Dutch singer Ilse DeLange and the German singer Michael Schulte performed the song “Ein bisschen Frienden” at the Peace Palace in The Hague.
“In the Peace Palace, we work for peace in a variety of ways. ‘Peace through Culture’ is one way. It is obvious that culture, especially music, connects people. The fact that, 75 years after the end of the war, a German and a Dutch artist together perform ‘Ein bisschen Frieden’ at the Peace Palace has great symbolic significance for us, especially in this day and age”, says Erik de Baedts, director of the Peace Palace. This message of hope was broadcast in 46 countries.
About the Peace Palace
The Peace Palace is the worldwide icon and symbol of ‘Peace through Law’, situated in The Hague. An authentic building in which people are working on a daily basis towards world peace. The Peace Palace houses the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the United Nations International Court of Justice (the only UN principle organ outside New York) and The Hague Academy of International Law. These institutions are supported by the Library of the Peace Palace, the most prestigious library for international law.
Besides housing the courts and the academy, the Carnegie Foundation which is the owner and manager of the Peace Palace, promotes peace activities and annually facilitates more than 90 peacebuilding events.
Friends of the Peace Palace
Due to covid-19, the Carnegie Foundation had to adapt its working method in order to respond to the current situation and give substance to the government measures. The Visitors Centre and the Library of the Peace Palace are unfortunately temporarily closed to the public. Our projects and events have been postponed. In these difficult times we need support. Become a Friend of the Peace Palace and support the work of the Carnegie Foundation in order to keep the Peace Palace as a “Temple of Peace”.