Peace Palace

Carnegie Wateler Peace Prize 2010



21 September 2010 ( International Peace Day)

Carnegie-Wateler Peace Prize 2010

The Board of the Carnegie Foundation – the Foundation which is owner and management-authority of the Peace Palace in The Hague – has decided to announce today on the International Day of Peace who will be the winner of the Carnegie-Wateler Peace Prize in the current year 2010.

This most prominent Netherlands’ peace prize will be given to the organization “Peace One Day”, directed by the British documentary filmmaker Jeremy Gilley. This movement has campaigned energetically within the United Nations to recognize one day in the year specifically as the International Day of Peace, a day of global cease fire and of non violence. To that end, the UN adopted in September 2001 a resolution fixing this day annually on 21 September.
The Peace One Day movement is organizing and sponsoring targeted social and health related activities on 21 September, in various countries including Afghanistan. The Carnegie-Wateler Peace Prize will be officially awarded on 1 December 2010 in the Peace Palace. Initiator and filmmaker Jeremy Gilley will come to The Hague to receive the prize from the hand of dr Bernard Bot, Chairman of the Foundation. The prize consist of a certificate and a sum of money of 35.000,- euro.

The winner in 2008 was former head of the UN peace forces in Congo, the (ret.) General Patrick J. Cammaert (Netherlands), and in 2006 it was Javier Solana (Spain), who was EU coordinator for Foreign Affairs. The prize is awarded alternatively to Dutch and non Dutch persons or organizations. Mr. Wateler was a Dutch banker who left an important legacy in 1927 to the Dutch parliament for the purpose of a peace prize. The Parliament however left it to the Carnegie Foundation to make the decision. The first prize was awarded in 1931.

Further information:
Steven van Hoogstraten
General Director

For infomation about Wateler Peace Prize read here
More information about Peace One day here